Friday, May 18, 2012

London - the typical grub

Sooo I went to Europe! Five cities in two weeks and it was aaaamazing. We had a giant rain cloud following us for most of the trip (good thing I only packed flip flops and flats..), but nothing could put a damper on the culture, history, and beauty of these unbelievable places. And the food! Ahhh the food...I have no idea how Europeans have such great bodies because if I lived there I would seriously park myself at a cafe every day and enjoy all their homemade goodies - cakes, cookies, breads, crepes, pies, you name it. I'm not going to lie, I ate at some pretty great places - some of the best food of my life - and obviously took photos of everything going into my mouth (family and friends were likely annoyed with me by the end of the trip). But for simplicity sake, I thought I'd give you a post or 2 from each city so you can ogle and aw and drool over all of the deliciousness. On that note, enjoy!

First up: London 
Famous for: tea, beer, fish and chips, meat pies, and just general pub food.
TEA. So much amazing tea in London.
Cappuccino's, and more tea 
REAL pub food
When you're tired of beer...drink cider.
Eggs and ham - quite common for any meal of the day
Bangers and mash
Salad with cheese and bacon (ha.)
A meat pie!
Fish and chips
Nachos with guacamole and sour cream

I need to get me a good fish and chips recipe because I think that would make an awesome summer snack.

Happy Friday!



  1. I'M SO JEALOUS YOU WENT TO EUROPEEEE! tell me more! haha :)

  2. wheres the curry? you went to London and didn't have curry?


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